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18 Oct 2008

Winecellar: Stage 8

The Moonlight Sonatas


Word Riddles

1 A barrel marked with a VikingAn ancient horned warrior, mighty and great, I'm drawn above a nineteenth century date
2 A SharkShould a fisherman catch me, he's in for a fight; I fear not his hook, but he ought fear my biet
3 A Cat StoneI'm not a full body, but just a stone face, of the cuddliest critter who'd give a mouse a chase
4 An OctuposI ought to have eight legs, I only have six, two less to throw my neighbor's favorite sticks
5 An OwlI swoop upon rodents and insects by night; the creature above me has four wings for flight
6 A SeahorseI have tiny fins, but no legs or knees; although it my name sounds like I'd gallop though the seas
7 A barrel marked with 2 SnakesFound in the wild, we might hiss and spit, but here we're entwined, keeping three and two split
8 A 26 over a HeartI'm a label for wine over the top of a heart; I'd make two thirteens when split evenly apart
9 A pair of Human FeetWe're a pair highly likely to offend the nose; we've escaped from our shoes to air out sweaty toes
10 A Corn stoneGrown on a stalk, I'm an ear with no head; I'm not meant for listening, but eating instead
11A CherryOn a sundae I'm found, or in gambler's slots; my stem, as a trick, may be tied into knots
12 A bunch of BananasWe're a golden, peelable and edible bunch; a perfect fit for an orangutan's lunch
13 A GoatAlthoug I appear to have horns on my head, They could be the fruit sitting to my left instead
14 A Carrot stoneI'm a veggie which farmers pull up from the ground; by a berry and bleater is where I will be found
15 A barrel marked with QuestionmarkI'm a tiny round dot with a hook just above, as a sign no one's sure what my wine is made of
16An X carved in the woodBetween W and R, made of two straight lines crossed, I'm a sign seen on maps, marking treasures long lost
17 Key with stringI'm a tool with a strand a neck can tout, keeping the wearer safe from being locked out
18 A RabbitBelow wiggling walkers and trailed by fish, a crumchable carrot is my greatest wish
19 An Ant StoneI'm a critter who carries many times his own weight; one likely to crash any picnic-lunch date
20 A barrel marked with Crossed SwordsI'm the numeral ten formed by two blades; left of a question and right of a spade

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