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23 Oct 2008

Cathedral: stage 16-17

Cathedral: Stage 16, 17


Word Riddles

1A BonfireI feed on the air as I heat the day's meal, cooking the meat of what once used to squeal
2An Alarm ClockBy ringing of bells, morning's silence I break; I cry out at the time when you must be awake
32 Volcano worshiping villagersWe're a worshipping pair who revere mountain's fire, asking deity's aid to attain what's desired
4A blue Handle SwordI'm a knight's best offense when engaged in a fight; the shade of my grip's like the daytime domain of kite
5A fruit picking KingI'm leader who's lifted by servants in seat, hoisted upward to pick something juicy and sweet
6A hand MirrorIf you've features of face that you need to inspect, look at me and an image of you I'll reflect
7A green SnakeI'm a half two serpents who've locked beady gaze, the color of the sky mixed with the sun's golden rays
8A Golden KeyI'm a sunny unlocker in colorful glass; turned in closed door I'd allow one to pass
93 Worship VillagersWe raise hands in praise of a creature in flight, a trio 'neath idol with span shining bright
10A Cat StatueMy kin hiss when scared but I make not a sound, a ning-lifeless pet to one location bound
112 bolts of lightingI'm the left electrified bolts in mid-stike, betwixt clouds and a tall rocky feature you'd hike
12A SkullI store thinking folds in a cavernous space, a formation that lies beneath skin of the face
13A pair of scissorsI'm essential to barbers for serving hair's tips, a sharpened and oiled pair of loop-handled snips
14A RadioTo convert waves to sound, I'm a tool unsurpassed; I'm a sounder of songs or a talk show broadcast
15A FeatherI'm an emerald plume lost by a sky traveling thing, replacing the grip of what bravest knights swing
16A pair of BinocularsI'm a set of bound scopes with two pieces for peeper; when I'm utilized, field of vision grows deeper
17A Clothes IronI've a weighty flat surface that's heated like fire, then pressed about linens til smooth as desired
182 villagers harvesting CornsWe harvest what through cultivation we raise, paired pickers of produce, two reapers of maize
19A ArkA carrier carried, I keep items blessed; at four shoulders' height I'm a sacred gold chest
20A PipeIt's a veil of billowing smoke I decant, for I hold burning bits of a smoldering plant
21An eyeI'm a watching decor on a comfortable seat; if you look before sitting, my gaze will you meet
22A bottle of perfumeUpon me a great sum of money is spent, for I contain a flowery and elegant scent
23A Roasting pigI'm a sty-dwelling swine in position most dire, for I've found myself bound to pole turned over pyre
24An hourglassI've transparent chambers of time keeping grains; when flipped one shall lose what the other one gains
25A blue bow tieI'm an elegant bow worn by suited exec; two water-hued loops and a knot at the neck
26A volcanoI'm a violent vent starting infernos by flow; when I rumble and smoke my high peak's soon to blow
27A microscopeAs I'm focused, one eye grows increasingly keen, for I magnify views of a miniscule scene
28A TypewriterI'm like modern computer but of older age, a tool to transmit one's words to a page
29The SunI'm a bringer of heat to stepped structure below, flanked by creatures on wing while I cast golden glow
30A Golden snake CandelabraI'm a column providing the room's fiery light, a wax stick's supporter on base with a bite
31A group of FishWe dwell below waves in a most diverse school, six scaly swimmers amidst what fills pools
32An apple treeI branch toward the sky, grown from sub-surface root, a bark coated bearer of sweet crimson fruit
33A book of sheet musicI keep on-staff collections of notes in cascade, a record of song and their note to be played
34A 2 pointed arrowI'm an oddity lanched by an archer's attack, a shaft and a vane 'neath two points in a stack
35A Golden HeartI'm a symbol in gold amidst bark and leaes both, a blood pumping shape and anomalous growth
36A Golden BirdIn a sky of a ruddier hue do I stand, a creature of flight o'er a sextet of hands
37A Fanning ServantI'm an attendant charged with dispersing the heat, cooling off royal figures who've taken a seat
38A stack of woodWe're cuts of pines fallen and stacked in caches; an axed pile destined for fueling a blaze
39A Mayan TempleI'm like Giza's stone crypts without angles but squares, and a chamber on top to be accessed by stairs

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