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25 Oct 2008

Pillars of the Gods: stage 8-12-15

Pillars of the Gods: Stage 8, 12, 15


Word Riddles

1A CobraOn a form like a trunk I'm the one with a hood, a gold spitting image quite misunderstood
2A statue of HorusI'm a copper god watching o'er pyramids and sands, a feathered form hailing from Egyptian land
3A Pan FluteI'm an order of tubes each increasing in length; a pied piper would say charming rats is my strength
4A pair of Blue EyesWe're a water hued pair between brows and a nose, two sapphire seers you shut when you doze
5An IguanaI'm part of a class with regenerative tails, identified best by my claws, spines and scales
6A Treasure ChestI'm a buccaneers bounty of jewels and riches, uncovered when digging the deepest of ditches
7A BellI'm the source of a sleigh ride in wintertime's jingle; on top of a church or at cow's neck I mingle
8A SunI'm the opposite of daughter with U at the core, unseen after nightfall, but surely before
9An Oil canIf silence from bothersome hinges you seek, I smooth out their movement while stopping the squeak
10An image of Football goalpolesWe two chances for points by ball's travel twixt sticks, two skins at the height of two truly aimed kicks
11A set of Red GemsI'm a four sided shape and a playing card's suit, a valuable bit of treasure chest's loot
12An Image of EarthI'm an orbiting homeland with hot molten core; I keep mountainous peaks and a deep ocean floor
13A Set of Roman NumberalsI'm a symbolic chain of two V's and five eyes, five modern day digits in Roman disguise
14A GavelI'm pounded by acuctioneer when right price is earned, and make the sound signaling court is adjourned
15A BatI'm a night-flying creature with featherless wings, the most dreaded of vampiric nocturnal things
16A LockI'm meant to block entry not permanently, for I humbly grant passage if pierced by a key
17A Roller SkateAffixed to the foot I would speed travel's pace, but you'd be far more likely to fall on your face
18An Image of FireI'm the flickering source of a candlestick's light, the inferno a hose and a hydrant would fight
19A Rolling PinI'm a tool for rolling without any wheels, a flattener of dough to make crust for your meals
20An UnbrellaI provide when expanded a safe place to hide, if you mean to avoid taking showers outside
21A statue of AnubisI'm an underworld god of Egyptian descent, a dark canine figure with golden accent
22A ClockI'm a gear driven teller found high atop tower, my hands point direction to minute and hour
23An Image of a CyclopsI'm a cave dwelling giant the Odyssey mentions; I see not in three but in two flat dimensions
24A Polka dotted PillarI'm a column designed like a ladybug's shell, a tall structure built to support ceiling well
25An IronIt's a suit smooting heat that my flat surface holds, a tool for dispelling of wrinkles and folds
26A Tribal figure with a missing teeth

1.) I'll have a fairy-placed cash 'neath my pillow in mrning, for it seems I've forgotten to heed dentists warnin
2.) I'm a figure who did a lone chomper adieu, a smiling resemblance less able to chew

27A Boa ConstrictorI'm a scaly rope with sights set ot entangle, for I kill not with venom but muscular strangle
28An antique WheelchairI'm a comfortable seat for a man on a roll, built to assist with one's difficult stroll
29A DuckI'm what children are dubbed before one's declared goose, a quick stoop to evade all incoming abuse
30An image of an eyeI'm a seer without an accompanying face, a fire-hued blinker that stares into space
31A ToucanI'm a creature as tall as the lenght of my beak, a tropical percher with colorful streaks
32A roosterI'm a farmer's alarm clock in feathery disguise, for I mightily crow when I spot the sun's rise
33A crescent moonI'm a distant rock adding soft glow to the night, unshadowed by earth I reflect the sun's light
343 Palm treesIf walking through deserts, when resting your feet, the fronds at my top prove shade from the heat
35An EagleI'm a bald-headed flyer with feathery physique, a column-side painting with talons and beak
36A StarI'm the shape of a fish with 5-limbed plodding pace, a large sun near a crescent shaped object from space
37A broomI'm a traveling witch's long wooden ride, a tidier of floors where'er dust and dirt hide
38A stack of BarrelsI'm a set of wood cylinders stacked in a pile; for keeping store goods I'm an option worthwhile
39A GoldfishI'm much like a perch, a bass or sole, but miniscule, golden and kept in a bowl
40An O X O designI'm a single row's tie in a tic-tac-toes' board, a crossing of lines between two circles stored
41A SpiderI'm spinner of nets through the day and the night for I need to catch flies when in need of a bite
42A fencing swordI'm a sword fighter's blade of more artful regard, a saber swung forth with a shout of en garde
43A LampIgnited I shine so in darkness you'll see; I'm a home for who's known to grant wishes by three
44A letter 'Q'If a quadrant's a fourth, I am one fourth of 'Quad', unlike others I'm the capital one that looks quite odd
45A bullI'm ridden in a ring and I've a ring through the nose; whenever I see red, I charge those I oppose
46A VolcanoI'm violent crater with a fiery orange splash, a mountain that buried Pompeii beneath ash
47A green tipped ArrowI'm found in a quiver in no short supply, an emerald point destined for Taurus' eye
48A wooden shipI've a quartet of sails for catching the breeze, a model of vessels for sailing seas
49A typewriterI'm an archaic scriber with dozens of keys, built to produce readable pages with ease
50A drumI'm frequently beaten but play not in game, it's playing a rhythm for which I've gained fame
51A Roman Numberal IVTo force batter's walk, I'm the number of balls, my lone letter like twisting vines growing up walls
52A blue bottleI'm an easily shattered container for brew, from molten sand blown in a sapphire hue
53A storage crateI'm a large wooden chamber of six sturdy sides; inside me assortments of stashed goods reside
54A blue wave designI'm the rippling source of a beach's loud roar, a segment of salty sea pounding the shore
55A box of bottlesI'm a container with many containers inside, it's storage for bottles in rows I provide
56A bottle of poisonI'm a substance consumed before last living breath, a killing concoction, a beverage of death
57A painting of snakesWe're slithering serpents with a candy cane's strip, green and gold reptiles with venom-toothed snipe
58A set of 4 swordsStanding in row we're a bladed quartet; you'd do best with a shield for blocking our threat

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