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20 Oct 2008

Theater: Stage 10

His Memories Preserved





Word Riddles

1 A Red bookI've not one meaning, but two instead, when I proclaim that I'm the most 'read'
2 A Roman numeral IVI'm the quantity of books in a stack, between the blockers of a sword's attack
3 A Cherub with a FiddleI'm a child who plays with a non lethal bow; the second from top in a vertical row
4 A Blue handled SwordI'm a boxed steel prop any warrior would wield; I'm blue in one hand, in the other's a shield
5 A Inverted StarI'm a nighttime shape that's upside down, with one of five points facing the ground
6 A 'T' Shaped patchA Set of two crossed lines in 'tear', I function here as drape's repair
7 A FishThough best at swimming, here I fly; my fins propel me through the sky
8 A Director's chairI'm where one who says action may rest, as the cast acts out the vision he thinks is best
9 A SnailI've shell in water blue and pale; submerged and leaving slimy trail
10 A MothAbove the fragrant petaled things, I rest on a board, with open wings
11A Tragedy MaskIf the stage were the king, I'd be part of its crown; the unhappy twin with a smile upside down
12 A LeafBy catching light, I feed the tree; now I'm stuck to a two-brained beast of the seas
13 A set window CurtainsWhen we're not drawn, you're quite exposed; your home's more private when we're closed
14 A DolphinIn Waves I lie, from waves I leap; a bottle nose who swims the deep
15 A crate of MasksSurrounded by wood in a small cubic space, we're a gathering of rubber and cloth to hide one's face
16A CaneI'm made to help one walk and stand; a length of wood gripped tight by hand
17 A Club shaped patchA Stitched-in stem with curves convex, I'm one of two black suits in decks
18 Candles in the windowOn Window sill we flicker through the night, three smal, one wide, and one of height
19 A MobWhen with bucket paired, we'd make one complete set, for I polish the dirtiest floors when I'm wet
20 A Door KnobOn thresholds sealed, a place I've earned, for the pass through, I must be turned

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