Ceremonial Platform: Stage 1, 2, 6, 17
no. | Solve | Word Riddles |
1 | A Crawling Beetle | I climb this trunk in armor strong, three pair of legs, antenna long |
2 | An Antique scale | When heavier weight's placed on my right, it lifts my left and proves its might |
3 | A Hot air balloon | Sailing skies by fuel of air, my basket takes you anywhere |
4 | A Climbing koala | In trees down under I'm the chief, of gorging tasty eucalyptus leaf |
5 | A unlit torch | Through darkness and fog I'd light your way, but it seems my fire isn't burning today |
6 | A heart | Growing through cracks and entangling stone, I'll surely remind you of love you've been shown |
7 | The moon | Drifting through space in a field of stars, I'm the orbiting friend of a planet near Mars |
8 | A Pirate's hook | My gleaming crook could best assist, should hands go missing at the wrist |
9 | An oil can | From oil filled bulb to dripping point, you'll need me when you grease a joint |
10 | An Antique Candle stick | When Jack must jump both nimble and quick, he'd leap my base and waxy wick |
11 | A straw cowboy hat | A Cowboys ride upon their horse, I'd ride the cowboy's head of course |
12 | A crow bar | When given doors or crate to pry, I'm that on which you must rely |
13 | A Buzzing Bumblebee | I buzz and sting while flying past, in prisioners stripes with yellow cast |
14 | A Sun & Eye | A great orb of fire from miles away, illuminates earth while it wathces by day |
15 | A paper scroll | I'm sealed wording with no fold, tied by string on parchment rolled |
16 | A set of walkies talkies | A message sent from far or near, if holdign half our pair you'll hear |
17 | A Sports Trophy | When victory comes, not loss or ties, I'll be the greatest sportsman's prize |
18 | A Pair of Glasses | I'll said your vision to some degree, if seeing sights while wearing me |
19 | A Key | I'll shift the pins inside the hole, to pass locked threshold with no toll |
20 | A nesting Duck | Atop this arch, on stones they stacked, I've found a place to rest and quack |
21 | A Flashlight | With batteries strong I'd glow most bright, my beam illuminating the empty night |
22 | A Mandolin | By plucking strings or strumming whole, I amplify notes with resonant hole |
23 | An old Wheelbarrow | By single wheel on wooden base, I move the dirt from place to place |
24 | A rusty Scythe | with wooden grip and bladed top, I'm used to mow and reap the crop |
25 | A yellow Butterfly | Once caterpillar now to flight, my wings in hue of yellow bright |
26 | A camper's Backpack | Upon your back I'm always near, for carrying books or camping gear |
27 | A bottle of Poison | At very least I'd make you sick; consumed in bulk I'd kill you quick |
28 | A Climbing Monkey | with primate tail through trees I'd swing, but now it's to an arch where I steadily cling |
29 | A Blacksmit's anvil | Upon my face the blacksmith's pound, to hammer metal flat from round |
30 | A Treasure Chest | Filled with jewelry, gems and cash, truly house a wealthy stash |
31 | A Pair of Daggers | We're sharpened twins with handles round, crossed and driven through this ground |
32 | A Green Tree Snake | I flicker my tongue as I slither through trees, a green rope of scales riding branches in breeze |
33 | A Hammer | Through prying pulls and mighty swings, my function is to nail things |
34 | A Perching Parrot | Upon a branch I'm perched by claw, with feathers red and squawking maw |
35 | A Scorpion | Upon this trunk I'm crawling thing, with claws to pinch and tail to sting |
36 | A Charging Bull | Surely I'll charge upon seeing the red; it's your task to flee from the horns on my head |
37 | A baseball Glove | If balls should pass plate without hit, I catch the pitch thrown curved or split |
38 | A Broken Jar | I once carried water from the river 'cross land, but I cracked when I dropped from a most careless hand |
39 | A Toucan | I've ebon plumage and beak most strong, quite orange in shade and rather long |
40 | A Boa constrictor | I'm slithering soundly on ground where I lay, awaiting to strike and then strangle my prey |
41 | A green Iguana | I'm resting 'midst the trees and vines, a grassy beast of scales and spines |
42 | A wooden Rhinoceros | A beast of wood I stand in plance, a mighty horn upon my face |
43 | A Paintbrush | When swept by hand my bristles fall and spread a tint upon a wall |
44 | A Fish Shaped Cloud | Once snared by a hook someone baited with files, who'd ever think I'd carry rain through the skies? |
45 | A metal Thermos | When walking paths through sun or storm, I'll keep your beverage cold or warm |
46 | A Yellow Jug | I'm a golden jar with room to store assorted goods in hollowed core |
47 | A pair of high heels | On ladies feet on elegant night, we're adding inches to her height |
48 | A Face in the tree | Through this wooden face, not as sense have I known; an anomaly formed in the bark as I 've grown |
49 | An Open book | They read from me in pior age, a passage on my open page |
50 | A Headstone | I stand in guard of buried bed, a crisscrossed stone to mark the dead |
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