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25 Oct 2008

Observatory: stage 4-6-9-15

Observatory: Stage 4, 6, 9, 15


Word Riddles

1 The Moon in the Sky From your dark viewpoint no cloud blocks my sight; you'll spy me in the sky where I echo sunlight
2 A Painting of a tree With body and cover of brown and of green, I branch toward the sky in this on-the-wall scene
3 A Deer Skull I'm the remnant whole of brain casing astray, from a creature of forest once fallen by prey
4 A Toy Rocket I've wings and a cone painted shiny and bright, a vessel for astronauts on a cosmic toy flight
5 A rack of test Tubes I'm wooden stand and cylindrical glass, a tool for testing in chemistry class
6 A Painting of the Sun I'm a miniscule star painted fiery and round, a creator of day for I light and warm ground
7 A Green Gem Guarded by reptile with sharp deadly bite, I'm a high valued stone sure to sparkle in light
8 A Silver Goblet When filled to the top you might say I've been wined; I'm the fanciest cast-metal vessel you'll find
9 A painting of a Dolphin I'm balanced on fins with a gold wave below, oft seen to jump hoops in a zoo's water show
10 A Dust Pan I lie on the floor among dust and dirt deep, and collect all the piles that form when you sweep
11 A Cash Register Upon a shop counter I've critical skills; I tabulate purchase and house coins and bills
12 A Movie camera I stand before stars in a lit and dressed scene, burning light to the frames for display on big screen
13 A painting of Fish Deep between artist's wave painted and cool. you'll find a scaled nine of us gathered in school
14 A Microphone I'm reverse of a speaker yet we're use in accord, for it's also a speaker I'm oft to record
15 A Right Triangle One hundred and eighty I measure inside, with corner of ninety and a twin that I hide
16 A painting of the Moon I'm similar in shape to a rotated smile, amidst water and stars in a blue painted style
17 A toy Castle My kindred are large, but I'm small as a mouse; I'm a miniature royal and fortified house
18 A Crossbow Lesser than gun but greater than bow, the enemy flees from the bolt which I throw
19 A Checker board By diagonal hop on my board you must go; jumping pieces o'er squares to be kinged in far row
20 Wheels of Cheese I'm the word said in concert with photo's forced smile, a product of milk that has curdled a while
21 A lone red Star In a field of seven with crescent nearby, I'm unique above waves with my rosy points high
22 A Glove A hand is to me like a sword's to a sheath; I ensure the warmth of the digits beneath
23 A Painting of a Cobra I've a true toxic strike and a wide hooded flare, with a flickering tongue meant for tasting the air
24 A Fork You'll find me in serpentine tongue and in road, or drawers of the kitchen within your abode
25 A Ball & Jacks Jumping and lumber you've heard with my half, paired with a sphere in a child's game for laughs
26 A blue Bottle If you find me not empty I've spirits inside, sealed in blue chamber 'neath neck much less wide
27 A Leather Book It's words I contain made of letters in line, all under my leather-bound cover and spine
28 A toothbush For the molars and like I prevent all decay, ensuring their health if I'm used thrice a day
29 A bottle of Perfume I contain a prized fluid oft sold at high price, a solution of scent to make ladies smell nice
30 Wind-up Teeth With spring wound up tightly I waddle and stomp, a humorous toy with a chattering chomp
31 A light bulb Secured in a socket, you'd have little doubt, I'd dispel nightly shadows until I've burned out
32 A Microscope If I'm given a sample prepared upon slide, to your eye the invisible no longer hide
33 A cheese Grater To melt dairy toppings with the greatest of ease, I function to shred them as fine as you please
34 An antique Camera I record a still image you find through my sight, producing a picture by incoming light
35 An Electric Fan In temperature soaring to higher degrees, connect me to power to gain cooling breeze
36 An Accordian The flow of the air makes my sound when you squeeze, a musical tone that depens on played keys
37 A Lectern At front, facing listeners gathered in hall, I stand before orator wooden and tall
38 A carved Semicircle Like a circle I am if by two you divide; I'm a half rounded shape with the same tucked inside
39 A Kiwi fruit I'm like an emerald inside with fuzzy hide distinct, named for the Aves who are long since extinct
40 A wheelchair If travel by foot would be labored at best, I'll roll you about in my seat as you rest
41 A hairbush Untangling locks is a duty we share; I've handle grouped bristles for straightening hair
42 An antique Lamp I make current light and cause darkness to fade, illuming through pattern and hue of my shade
43 A Brain I've sub-cranial folds in a fleshy light pink, an electrical organ you use when you think
44 A painting of a storm cloud When I'm seen on horizon or by day, it's a strong indication that rain's on the way
45 A hotdog Between risen wheat and yeast I am found, a cylinder spiced and named heated hound
46 A pair of bowling shoes Despite clashing colors we make a great pair, ensuring sure footing to score strike or spare
47 A straight Razor Maintaining clean cut is the rold that I play; with lubricant cream I keep whiskers at bay
48 A Dagger I'm a steely brand with a blade less than tal, a tiny Excalibur stuck in the wall
49 A toy Robot I'm a biped of metal and by gears walk at large, all powered by motor with battery at full charge
50 A pan Flute by my tubes and a whistling breath you've supplied, I make musical sound as the air flows inside
51 A Wooden wheel Without me a wagon would find itself broke; I'm a ring given strength by my inner wood spokes
52 A phonograph When paired with a wax plate etched in a round, my horn echoes input and plays back the sound
53 A hand mirror If affirmation of beauty you seek to attain, just gaze into me when you're feeling vain
54 A bone I'm right at the core of a long arm or leg; it's for I or a scrap that a canine may beg
55 A pair of sunglasses I'm a joint frame and lens to keep glare from the eyes, or to keep a low profile, used to disguise
56 A paper bag If you've no lunchbox or cooler to pack, through the work day I'll carry your lunch or your snack
57 A painting of a red Tulip I've blood tinted petals on stem but not grown, a blossom in pigment to decorate stone

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