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18 Oct 2008

Roof: Stage 9

All is Lost


Word Riddles

1 etched Arrow I come to a point, with feathers on the back; an etch of what's loosed in an archer's attack
2 A Bird house When a cardinal's too classy for homes built of twigs, I'm a fine choice when in search of better digs
3 A Candlestick Before light bulbs and flashlights, I dispelled the gloom; by bearing a fire, I bringthened a room
4 A Treasure chest I was once buried deep, but now I'm dirt-free, and waiting to be opened up by a key
5 A Paintbush I use colorful pigment to decorate spaces, recreate landscapes and paint pretty faces
6 An Open Window I'm standing agape to let fresh air in, but need to be closed should foul weather begin
7 A Pistol After walking ten paces, I'm drawn from the hip; my shots held in a cylinder, rather than a clip
8 etched Three I'm an etch corresponding, it would be agreed, to the number of birds on the roof eating seed
9 A pair of crossed Bones We're the limbs of a fellow, who time has forgot, stacked to be useful for marking a spot
10 3 Birds eating seeds We're a trio who've landed, but not for a rest; we've discovered a meal to take back to our nests
11 A Stone bird I'm unusually heavy, although I'm not fat; I'm the flapping form perched on a monarch's stone hat
12 A Bottle of Poisonous Liquid It's best I stay locked away under the sink, for I'd kill if I was confused with a drink
13 A Gargoyle Statue I'm a fiendish creature staring intently below, the harsh rain has caused one of my wings to erode
14 A Horse Shoe I'm often affixed to a fully grown foal; in sport, often tossed toward an in-the-ground pole
15 A Cat in the Smoke In the midst of a product of wood lit by match, I'm a domestic critter most likely to scratch
16 A Stalking Cat In the moonlight, my eyes are seen glinting like steel; I'm poising to pounce my next feathery meal
17 A Flashlight A battery powers my brightening spark, granting you passage through corridors dark
18 A Baby I'm a princess or prince in the tiniest form, held close to my mother who's keeping me warm
19 A Crossbow When I'm loaded with bolts and my string is drawn back, the pull of trigger starts off my attack
20 A Flower Pot I'm a mobile bouquet you could set in the sun, or bring back inside when the warm weather's done

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