An Arranged Matrimony
no. | Solve | Word Riddles |
1 | A White bird | With winter's approach, to the south do I go, though my color would mix rather well with the snow |
2 | A Cat in the window | I'm a creature most commonly found in a house, evading the bulldog or tracking a mouse |
3 | A Heart | I'm often passed over by ascending feet; an etch of a muscle best known for its beat |
4 | A Number '2' | I'm the number of mice on the steps plus a mate; a four split in half and a quarter of eight |
5 | A Chicken | My egg-laying life's spent cooped up on a farm; the male of my species is the farmer's alarm |
6 | A Stone turkey leg | I'm a leg and a Thanksgiving feast made of stone; a carved likeness of tender meat still on the bone |
7 | A Door knocker with no mane | I'm the least hairy half of a two lion pair; to announce your arrival, tap my ring with care |
8 | A Pineapple | Seated in a tangle of bramble and root, I'm a sweet and spiny tropical fruit |
9 | A Face in the Bush | I'm a man's frowning mug in a plant-like disguise, for I've leaves for my lips and I've berries for eyes |
10 | A Stone crown | I'm a stone ring befitting of ruler's heads; I'd not strain the king's neck were I golden instead |
11 | A Nest | It'd be for the best were I built in a tree, but I'm holding up fine where a skull face should be |
12 | A Triagle | I'm the tip of an arrow and slice of a pie; I've three points and three sides, one of which points to the sky |
13 | A Boomerange | I'm affixed to a dual-horned figure of stone; were I made out of wood, I'd return when I'm thrown |
14 | A 'S' in the brick | I'm bordered by mortar and built up of bricks; a letter that starts off and finishes 'sticks' |
15 | A Questionmark | When putting a question to papre from mind, to end what you've written is for what I'm designed |
16 | A Baseball bat | I'm the swingable gear of a ball-hitting game, but here I stand tall on a glass portal's frame |
17 | A Skull | I'm the head of human who's breathed his last breath; a man's face remaining for years after death |
18 | A Roman numeral eleven (XI) | If you gather a 2 and a 3 and a 6, I'm the cross and the line which are made when they mix |
19 | A Lletter 'T' | Surrounded by panes which could easily break, I'm a consonant found at the cor e of 'mistake' |
20 | A Horse | Near the Stairway you may hear a galloping beat; it couldn't be me when I am a head with no feet |
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