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20 Oct 2008

Shrine: Stage 10

His Memories Preserved





Word Riddles

1 An Angle with a HarpI play beautiful music while resting my wings, accompanying trumpet with heavnly strings
2 A Demon with a nose ringI get quite congested when weather is cold; I can't blow my nose when it's blocked by ringed gold
3 An Axe marked fishA huge roll of sushi I'd easily slice; the fish within if are marked upon me thrice
4 A mushroomI'm found next to what's at the start of 'No'; in the wettest of ground's where I'm likely to grow
5 A Yellow FlagI flutter in wind like the wings of a month; atop a tall pole, I'm the high-flying cloth
6 A Letter 'N'If you should encounter a capital Z, turn it on its side and you'll recognize me
7 An HourglassWhen my top has been emptied and I'm flipped around, my tumbling grains will begin counting down
8 A MedusaBe cautious whenever you're styling my hair, for each venomous strand must be handled with care
9 An engraved SquirrelA little critter that hides nuts in stash, when spottin a fox I'd quickly dash
10 A Wave TattooWrapping a muscle in permanent ink, I'm a pattern into a which a ship could well sink
11A red SashOn a winged lady warrior, I'm to be found; a bright strip of color to dress up her gown
12 A ScorpionYou'd best fear my tail and the pain it would brings; were my claw not enough, I'd defend with my sting
13 A Turtle on a suit of ArmorI'm a most perfect mark for what blocks an attack, for I've similar affixed to my back
14 A Shield marked by a snakeAfter blocking an opponent's bladed attack, my hissing design is likely to strike back
15 A UnicornI'm a graceful and galloping mythical creature; the growth twixt my eys is my notable feature
16A Snake BowIn addition to arrow, I've venom to spit, so you're twice as likely to die when I hit
17 An EnvelopI'm sealed next to what falls betwixt I and G; a holder of letters which neighbors a tree
18 A Bird perched on the shoulderLike a sword and a shield, I'm carried on kings, perched like a parrot to rest weary wings
19 A White EyeA foe to attack may be quite tough to find, for my whited out iris suggests that's I'm blind
20 Armor marked by LoinI'm worn when a warrior's settling a score, defending while scaring all foes with my roar

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