Royal Burial Grounds: Stage 6, 8, 11
no. | Solve | Word Riddles |
1 | A Gloden Clover | I've four distinct leaves and am known to bring good luck, but unlike the pack my hue makes me quite a sitting duck |
2 | Lipstick | Given a twist to expose my dark unscented tip, I'll add greater shimmer and color to lip |
3 | A Top Hat | I'm for fancy occasion not one could refute; with tails and cane I'd best top off a suit |
4 | A Winged Symbol | A Symbol of power I resemble an eagle's wing, adorned only by the most powerful man, his majesty, the king |
5 | An Iron Urn | I'm rounded black tower to hold one who's died, his ashen remains in my hollowed inside |
6 | A Telescope | Extend me to spy any view of afaar; my larger kin magnify sight beyond star |
7 | A piece of Princess's dress | The princes who ran though these woods made this mark; a small scrap of cloth hanging snagged on the bark |
8 | A blue Bicycle | Raced across roads or down steep mountain trail, my peddles propel me at speed without fail |
9 | A rusty Mailbox | Check me on some days and you'll be distressed, for you'll find only bills inside stamped and address |
10 | A Saxophone | My musical flanges shine golden and bright, playing solos in jazzy clubs all through the night |
11 | A Paper Lantern | Though faced by a lady I've nothing to say; I'm a pulp derive portrait and lighting display |
12 | A Viking Helmet | From Norse head I ascend sharply pointed and curved, a fierce piece of battle gear meant to unnerve |
13 | A Kneeling Solider | Defending this ground with my weapon in hand, I've stricken new pose unlike others who stand |
14 | A green Lizard | While I climb abut trunks looking grassy and bold, my scaly nature has my blood running cold |
15 | An Ace Card | I'm often declared to be one hight or wild; I'm a pip upon paper, my resting spot's child |
16 | A basket of Apples | I'm a weaved wooden carrier with many in tow, one poisoned for princess with skin white as snow |
17 | A Japanese sword | Defending the land with our loyalty pledged, I'm a samuri's partner with cold steel edge |
18 | A Rolling pin | I've two balance handles and center to spin, when pushed atop dough it'd vertically thin |
19 | A wrapped Gift | When I'm crowned by a bow to make party disquise, my insides well hidden shall add to surpise |
20 | An antique Revolver | When triggered my chamber revolves like a door, drawn at hight noon by cowboys to settle a score |
21 | A jailor's Key Rings | It's on belt of a guard that I jingle like bells, a tool to keep miscreants sealed up in cells |
22 | A King's Headdress | Not plucked from a bird but carved in the stones, I'm a feathery dress atop cranial bones |
23 | An antique Camera | If you seek to sell movie stars' photos for cash, you'll need to be quick with my shutter and flash |
24 | An Airplane | As a piloted vessel I ride upon air, a metal finned capsule with wings in a pair |
25 | A Hand Mixer | I beat without fists by the strength of my crank; for ingredient's mixture it's I you should thank |
26 | A Mortar and Paste | I've depression for grinding when pounded by stick, a pair made to pulverize medicines quick |
27 | A Flamingo | I've been given a name like an O set ablaze, my neck like a serpent, a lawn's ornament craze |
28 | A Chariot | I'm a great coloseum where warriors fight, I race rider 'bout track with my quick horse drawn might |
29 | A judge's Gavel | Handled by justice in formal black gown, I'm cracked to the desk with his choice handed down |
30 | A Tuning Fork | When an orchestra tunes to play what Mozart wrote, they'll use my twin tines to find perfect A note |
31 | A Stone necklace | Adorning the neck of a princess most fair, I'm a pendant of stone on a chain which she wears |
32 | A hairy Spider | I've several eyes and a mount yet no nose, my home named like all found between a duck's toes |
33 | A Slightshot | I'm a band and an arm of tree branched in a Y; pulled back and released I throw rocks to bull's eye |
34 | The queen's bouquet | Through centuries gone since my queen's passed away, I've remained her most beautiful floral display |
36 | A pie | Named on E longer than three point one four, I've a baked outer crust and warm filling galore |
37 | A Wooden Barrel | They're easy to shoot if you fill me with fish, or monkeys for fun when 'er that's what you wish |
38 | Knitting needles and yarn | I make sock of soft cotton or sweater's wool itch, by using my pinpoints to pull stitch through stitch |
39 | A carved shield | Pierced by arrows and swords I sense I'm a goner, now an image of a shield is erected in my honor |
40 | A NeckTie | I hang from below chin and just above chest, knotted Windsor or half or what else fits suit best |
41 | A Stone Cross | I'm tough chiseled stone forming T over O, standing tall above ground to mark man deep below |
42 | A pile of Bones | At the time of my death, no burial occured; though my pieces remain I still lie uninterred |
43 | A leather bag | That I'd carry possessions all surely would vouch; I'm the hide of a bovine made pocketed pouch |
44 | A gold coin | Choose my gold head or tail if you need to decide; I'll flip to the land, you'll go by my up-side |
45 | A dart | I'm found within tavern or similar joint, hitting eye of the bull with my board piercing point |
46 | Easter Eggs | Hidden by rabbit one day in the spring, if we hadn't been dyed it's the chickens we'd bring |
47 | A butterfly | I've appendages striped like a tiger on back, named like bread's topping, with its color plus black |
48 | An antique Telephone | I'm a key talking tool of antique design, allowing for chat 'twixt to ends of a line |
49 | A saddle shoe | I'm missing a foot and also my twin, named for what's between horse and where rider has been |
50 | A hand print | Dwelling at graveside and drawn to the land, I low-five the princess with one unarmed hand |
51 | A wooden chest | Sealed inside me you'll find jewels and gold, for I store the found fortune for hoarders of old |
52 | A waist clock | I'm unlike a man, for I've hans on my face, but near a man's hand's where I'd be most in place |
53 | A pesticide sprayer | A push on my handle makes a poisonous spray, the kind to keep pests in your garden away |
54 | A stone Obelisk | I'd be seen on an Egypt or Washington trip, but with taller sloped sides and the same pyramid tip |
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