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25 Oct 2008

Food Chamber: stage 11-14-18

Food Chamber: Stage 11, 14, 18


Word Riddles

1 A Bread Board I'm a tool oft used to take bread from the stove, a flat board for inserting or removing loaves
2 A Spatula I've a broad wooden blade with a handle to grip, a tool to give omelets and pancakes a flip
3 A Knife Block I'm a four-slotted home to a sharpened quartet, but with two gone I'm hosting an in complete set
4 A Loaf of bread I'm active yeast added to dough rolled in round, removed from the oven once crusted and browned
5 A bunch of Bananas We're the golden hue bunch that's preferred by an ape, a peelable snack with a long crescent shape
6 2 Slabs of Meat We're two beefy sides on the opposite of three, supported by what catches fish of the sea
7 A head of Lettuce I'm an emerald head without any face, a collection of leaves for a tossed salad's base
8 Flower in a Vase We share name with ground grain but we're differently spelled, two growths in a pot to by noses be smelled
9 A container of Pasta I'm a gathering of long angel hair in a bunch, a container of pre-boiled Italian lunch
10 A basket of Red Apples Our color's the same as the basket we're in; we're a sweet pulpy fruit with a ruby toned skin
11 A basket of Limes Like my cousin the lemon, I'm a sour ellipse; I'm bluer in hue but still pucker the lips
12 A Windmill I'm a breeze powered structure to generate power, a set of four rotating sails atop tower
13 A cup of Berries I'm a miniature pitcher of small spheres in red, not carrying liquid but sweet fruit instead
14 A Lunch Box I'm a carrying chamber for sandwich and drink, a pail the color of Indian ink
15 A rack of Ribs I was once what expanded when cattle inhaled, a succulent rack on a steel I hook impaled
16 A Blue plastic Pitcher Like a cloud pouring rain, I pour liquid to cup, in a color you'd see when outside, looking up
17 A Fish If I'd skip wormy meals my life might be spared, for as soon as I bite, I'll have found myself snared
18 A container of Wheat I'm a pot of tall grass from which common grain's taken, ground to make flour when there's bread that needs bakin'
19 A Plate with Blue Design I'm a porcelain food holder standing upright, with a sapphire ring in a field of white
20 A bottle of Wine I'v not a crick but a cork in my neck; a notable booster of fine diner's checks
21 A Pot with a star design Among cookware that hangs I'm star of the show, for beneath cooking food you'll find five points below
22 An Oven mitt I am to the hand what a sock is to feet, worn while cooking to keep out, not keep in, the heat
23 A Yellow tea kettle I heat water for chamomiles. greens and earl greys, a whistler the color of sun's brightening rays
24 A meat Tenderizer I'm a tool for pounding and softening meat, ensuring it's less chewy and easier to eat
25 An Electronix Mxer For whipping up mixtures I've powerful beaters, and bowl to make meals for an army of eaters
26 A stack of books We're collections of words under covers to crack, three horizontal tomes in a vertical stack
27 A basket of Oranges Our fire hued peels are granted for zest; it's for our squeezed breakfast time juice we're known best
28 A container of honey I'm a sticky gold treasure protected by bees, oft sold in a plastic bear bottle to squeeze
29 A Flag I'm a country's insignia that waves in the breeze, atop pole, atop mast, or the stinkiest of cheese
30 A Wheel of Cheese I'm a curdled milk solid which perfectly rolls, with a fraction removed to reveal gas-made holes
31 A turkey baster I'm a tool to keep roasting birds juicy and plump; I add moisture on top with each hand powered pump
32 A Fire Extinguisher From a tiny inferno there's nothing to fea, for a squeeze of my trigger makes flames disappear
33 A basket of Tomatoes When pureed we're matched up with mustard on meat; we're chunks found in salsa but don't add the heat
34 A silver tea kettle I'm a heating pot shining in silver, not gold, used by those who prefer hot tea, not cold
35 A Wine glass I'm a bowl with a stem above foot just below, a shattering vessel for sipping merlot
36 A pair of boots We add distance from ground as you walk down the street, a high heeled old-western cover for feet
37 A carved Swan I've no feathers because I'm a carved wooden fake, a slender necked fowl found to swim about lake
38 A carrot For crunching at lunchtime I'm cut into sticks, a fiery hued root for a vegetable mix
39 A cook book When preparing a meal I'm what to access, a wide open manual for cooking success
40 A copper pot I'm an odd colored cooker that hangs among many, a boiling bucket the shade of a penny
41 A pig shaped cookie jar I'm that from which chocolate chop baked goods are taken, by those who would store all their cookies in bacon
42 A sack of flour I'm a crucial ingredient of baked goods you eat, a plump printed package of finely ground wheat
43 A jar of wooden spoon We're a wooden bouquet best for stirring up posts, three stirrers in vase with some decorative dots
44 A cocktail shaker I assist to mix drinks however they're preferred, a means to make martinis shaken, not stirred
45 A thermometer I confirm that the making of meal's complete, for I notify cooks when it's reached proper heat
46 A Toaster I'm a place where four slices are lowered in slot, to be slathered with butter once crispy and hot
47 A bunch of green grapes We're turned into jelly for spreading on bread, in shades like an emerald rather than red
48 A timer When cooking begins I've a face to be spun, alerting the chef when his meal is done
49 A fire extinguisher From a tiny inferno there's nothing to fear, for a squeeze of my trigger makes flames disapper
50 A watermelon I've a sweet ruby flesh with black specks beneath rind; by my name you might think I'm aquatic find
51 A carton of eggs We're an octet of ovals for breaking in two, revealing gold yolk in a protein rich goo

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