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16 Oct 2008

Fireplace: Stage 7

Glimpse of Greatness





Word Riddles

1 A Crytal ballI'm present whenever a fortune is told; a glimpse of the future is what I may hold
2 A Glowing caterpillaI'll transform entirely once wrapped in silk strings, and crawl nevermore when I've sprouted my wings
3 A Lion headIn a circus I'm what is most famously famed, but out of my cage I roar in a cog frame
4 A Glowing ButterflyOnce crawling and green, I now brighten the sky, traveling on wing like the bee or the fly
5 A Test TueBy a chemical mixture I ought to be filled, but it's best I was empty and nothing has spilled
6 An Etched leafNot a green or aglow, but as dark as can be, I'm what
7 A Lady with a catI love my companion, and so I'm not bitter, although my apartment always smells of litter
8 A Monkey on the fireplaceBest know for the curved yellow fruit which I eat, I readily climb with my human-like feet
9 A Sail boatWere I carrying a toy crew, they'd have reason to shout; I've started to sink, for the floor's giving out
10 A Glowing SunHere I shine just as bright as I do every day, assuming the skies aren't clouded and gray
11An Etched FeatherNear the home, the mind and electricity bolting, I'm a once airborne piece of a critter who's molthing
12 A Glowing SnakeSince I'm brighter than side-winder or diamond-back, I'll have plenty of light for my venomous attack
13 A Dog BowlMarked by remnant of deceased, I'm the ideal spot for a Doberman's feast
14 A FlagFully displayed with the wind's every blow, I'm a cloth on a pole with the ground far below
15 A Glowing PlanetOver hundreds of days, 'round the sun do I swing; I'm a cosmic sphere with an accompanying ring
16A SlipperCrafted of hide and missing a mate, I'm fit over feet when the hour is late
17 Music paper pierce by a knifeI'd hoped to be played upon string finely tuned, but as I've been waiting, I've suffered a wound
18 House with a light in the windowIt appears someone's dwelling within me tonight unless they've forgotten to turn off the light
19 A Wine GlassI'm the place where a fine wine has most often loomed, between when it was bottled and finally consumed
20 A Man with a gold toothI say cheese to the cheese with my glimmering smile; the chompers I bear are of ten karat style

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