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18 Oct 2008

Study Room: Stage 8

The Moonlight Sonatas


Word Riddles

1 A Skeleton in the wallI've rotted behind the wall where I was sealed; as the plaster decayed, I was finally revealed
2 A Chest hidden in the floorFor ages I've been sealed under the floor; a box where a treasure or secret is stored
3 A Letter written in bloodI was written out after a skin pricking pain, for the ink of my letters were drawn from a vein
4 A Blue BirdIt's tricky to spot me whenver I fly, for my color blends perfectly into the sky
5 A KeyOn a jailors hip, I jingle like bells; I'm a tool to keep prisoners sealed in their cells
6 A Book about SailingWhen you want to converse with a sea-faring buddy, I'm the ideal volume of infor to study
7 A Bird's NestI'm a structure where winged babies eat, grow and sleep; the most likely source of a chirp or a cheep
8 An AnchorWhen I've been dropped in water; no vessel has drifted; they can't float away 'til from sea I am lifted
9 A CastleI'm a fortified home, built of many stacked stones, containing a family who sits upon thrones
10 A LionI'm a king of the jungle, with one minor flaw: I'm armed to attack only by tooth or claw
11A DogI'm the best friend to man, and although I don't talk, I'm the perfect companion for play or a walk
12 A Skull and crossbonesI've seen many seas, but I don't mean to brag; I'm simply the mark on a pirate ship's flag
13 A Map of AustraliaI'd guide exploration should ever you choose, to go a search for koalas or kangaroos
14 A Sailing ShipI harness the wind as I travel over waves; a sea faring vessel for sailors most brave
15 A Page of MusicI'm a singular page of symphonic perfection, placed before players to aid recollection
16A Tea cup and saucerI'm a porcelain piece in the finest of grade; using water and bags, I'm where hot tea is made
17 A TypewritterI help authors write works with great speed and ease, for a letter's produced with each click of my keys
18 A Tree DrawingThe rings of my trunk would tell you my age, were I not two-dimensionally drawn on a page
19 A Bull's HeadOn the streets of pamplona, I'm a reason for screams; a horned beast who haunts every matador's dreams
20 A Dollar Sign ($)I'm a curvy lined consonat crossed by a line; on green bits of paper, a currency sign

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