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25 Oct 2008

Cloudy Peaks: stage 4-13-18

Cloudy Peaks: Stage 4, 13, 18


Word Riddles

1 A Centaur I'm two halves of cavalry joined at the waist, a jockey and steed paired long after the race
2 A flying Gargoyle

I'm a roof's grotesque statue with wings in mid-flight, a stone humanoid crossed with a creature of night

3 A Stegosaurs I'm a thundering lizard with plate on my back, used for defense and not to hold meal or snack
4 A Centaur I'm a mythical worrior who stands on four feet; I've no need of a horse, I've my own hooves to beat
5 A Pillow I'm a comfortable cushion for resting your head, lying not on a mattress but hard rocky bed
6 A Bird Cage For your domestic flocks I'm a comfortable home, a structure of metal bars forming a dome
7 A Snake I'm a coating of scales and a tongue that I flutter, a diamond backed biter at rest in the gutter
8 A Goat I'm a horned Billy standing on high mountain ridge, a fairy tail's butter of trolls off a bridge
9 A carving of a Gorilla I'm an etch of gigantic chest-pounding beast, intending to make a small warrior his feast
10 A Moon On the side of mountain instead of in space, I'm an orbiting rock that some say has a face
11 A Rabbit In a race I'm who always beats tortoise to goal, a floppy eared hopper that lives in a hole
12 A Stamp Before I'm affixed you would give me a lick, for I must be made of wet so I'll properly stick
13 A Monkey Upon finding bananas I let out a screech, then swing from a branch to another in reach
14 A carved Apple I'm a piece of fruit bought at the grocery store; rather than seeds, I've got stone at my core
15 A sitting Bear I'm a wintertime sleeper who's taken a seat, my hairy legs outstretched exposing bare feet
16 A Dragon I'm a knight's flying nemesis and brather of heat, showing off my wing's span as I stand on two feet
17 A Ladder I've rungs betwixt beams in a vertical pair, granting access to rooftops in absence of stairs
18 A Flying Cearadactylus I'm a flying creature you'll only find fossils of in myriads. for I thrive not now but during the Cretaceous Period
19 A Bottle I'm a place to keep mixture and potions you've pieced; if shattered you'd find all my contents released
20 A Tiger I've a candy cane's pattern in Halloween shades, a growler with cutting claws sharpened like blades
21 A Curved stone Carrot My leaves grow above ground with a taproot beneath, but if eaten I'd most likely crack all your teeth
22 A Pair of glowing Eyes we're a pair of 2 peepers reflecting the light, watching from inside a cave dark as night
23 A 3 headed Hydra I'm like Cerberus dressed in reptilian disguise, a Greek myth's great serpent with pair of eyes
24 A Boar I make BLT's meat when my whole's decompiled, a porder with tusks freely roaming the wild
25 A carved Lizard I'm a cold blooded critter who changes his tone, but I don't merely blens, for I'm made of stone
26 A push broom It's floor's dirt and grime that oft push around, a handle with bristles for cleaning the ground
27 A Barrel I'm a set of wood staves by four iron hoops bound, the goods-keeping source of a cooper's renown
28 A Stamp I'm affixed to the corner of messages sent. to show carrier adequate money's been spent
29 A Ram I'm a wooly and horn-headed sounder of bays, the sign of those born between April & MAy
30 A Giraffe My neck's like a periscope fully extended, enabling my snacking on leaves as intended
31 A Crocodile I'm the sub-surface source of a wetlander's fears; one who's falsely upset is said to cry my tears
32 A carved Snake I'm a rattler cut in the side of a cliff, a hissing skin shedder of stone frozen stiff
33 A Fish A carved critter captured by hooked wormy bait, I could tip my own scales at my present stone weight
34 A white bird I'm an aviator flapping an ivory down spread, with a long slender neck that connects my beaked head
35 A carved face I'm an effigy etched with the hardest of features, a rocky carved countenance of humanoid creatures
36 A rhinoceros I'll aggressively charge toward any I scorn, for I'll elsewise be poached for my valuable horn
37 A carved bird I've wings carved of what makes up mountainous peak, a squaking stone squab with banana-like beak
38 A fallen log My roots having rotted, I've fallen to the ground; upon me no branches or leaves may be found
39 A Trident I'm a sinister staff with poits gathered in three, held by Poseidon, the god of the seas
40 A Hyena I'm an African giggler who travels in pack, a wild dog joking while tracking a snack
48 A caterpillar I'll seal myself in a chrysalis one day, till I unfold my flappers and fluter away
49 A lion I'm the carnivorous king of the African plain, a mighty beast known for my roar and my mane
50 A bear I stand on all fours giving campers a fright, making each of them wish they'd kept food locked up tight
51 A cactus I thrive amidst climates most arid and hot, transplanted from sand to a ceramic pot
52 A Pumpkin I'm a squash fruit with roastable seeds deep within, seen on Halloween smiling a sinister grin
53 Armadillo I'm a long-snouted critter you'll find standing tall, sensing danger I roll into a defensive ball
54 A perching Gargoyle I'm a frightening stone mix of a bat and a man a perched spirit ward with impressive wing span
55 An elephant I'm the largest of land dwelling mammals on earth, growing twenty two months from conception to birth
56 A resting dragon I'm a mythical monster just lying around, holding breath to stop seating from burning to ground

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