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20 Oct 2008

Remebrance: Stage9

All is Lost


Word Riddles

1 A Foot PrintI'm a clue that this room is an often walked path; in this case, by someone in need of a bath
2 A ComposerMy hands upon keys, I develop a tune, and write it all down in the light of the moon
3 A Book of MusicI've been left unsealed on a gray marble pall; the dead's written music for all to recall
4 A Hand print on the windowWhen a window was opened to let in the breeze, they left me behind; a palm near the trees
5 A Bebt CandleWhile most like me stand straight, I'm bent to the right, so I may pose a danger when I'm set alignt
6 A Cat in a candelierI look to the left for a mouse to attack, poised for a pounce with an owl at my back
7 A Star doilyI sit in the center of needlepoint lace; a five-pointed, shimmering fire from space
8 A Square with one orange flowerGlued to the wall, I'm a diamondoid patch; I've blossoms times four, just three whose hues match
9 A Single roseWhen the price of a bouquet is too much to spend, I'm a single-stemmed gift to give one's girlfriend
10 A Flower Pot on a winder ledgeThough my petals have grown in a vessel of clay, I've been set outside to soak up sun by day
11A RavenOn a branching wood perch, as dark as the night, I'm taking a rest from a long day of flight
12 A Bird HouseI'm a sturdily built home for a creature of feather; a place to take refuge from inclement weather
13 A Fish BowlI'm a home within homes for a scaly pet; not the land dwelling type, but the ones who stay wet
14 A Star shaped FlowerI'm a blossom of gold over a deceased man's head; found in the night sky, I'd be shooting instead
15 A Unicorn TambourineShould you hear rhythmic jingles, I'm likely the source; a percussive circle marked by a horned horse
16A Bird in the CornerWhere walls of pink paper and cloudy skies meet, I've opened my beak to sing out a tweet-tweet
17 A Girl with a Teddy bearI'm a figure who makes her father's eyes shine; while I'm held in his arms, I've a bear held in mine
18 A Double NoteWe're a musical pair often found on a staff; a singular note if we're cut into half
19 A Vase with a Wave designI ensure that, for flowers, water's always in reach; my pattern resembles what's crashed on the beach
20 A Sun design on a CelloA circle surrounded by nine carved-in rays, I shine on the front of what a cellist plays

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