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14 Oct 2008

Study Room: Stage 3

An Arrange Matrimony


Word Riddles

1 A Bull's eyesIn the presence of archers, if pinned to a wall. upon me a number of arrow may fall
2 A Carved moonIn the darkest of skies, I'm a luminous arc, but here I'm a carving, defacing the bark
3 A PyramidI was built long ago, for a ruler who'd died; I keep all his wrapped-up remains safe inside
4 A Clock's faceI'm a circle with hands pointing to a twelve and a six; their position changes with minutely ticks
5 A SpiderI'm scanning the room with my octet of eyes, with hopes that I'll soon spot the juiciest flies
6 A Book on huntingIf you need some advice on your meat seeking quest, my pages of pointers would serve you the best
7 A Treasure mapThe route to great wealth is the knowledge I keep; I detail the path to a chest buried deep
8 A Boot in disrepairAlthough I'm intended to keep feet enclosed, my unraveled stitching would leave toes exposed
9 A Cat under the deskMy eyes are aglow as I dwell under drawer; should I cross your path, there'll be bad luck in store
10 A Writing quillI'm a pelican's plume to be wielded by hand; I craft words once I'm dipped in a pigment filled stand
11A BeehiveTo access my contents, you'd need to be bold; many stingers are guarding the honey I hold
12 A DragonI'm a beast who fills medieval villagers with dread scorching their towns as I fly overhead
13 A Lion with an axeAny prey that I catch should be doubly alarmed; I've not only claws, but by blade am I armed
14 A Mouse eating a bookI'd much prefer feasting on swiss and cheddars, yet I'd snack upon leathery covers of letters
15 A Piece of a starThe two fallen fifths of a star incomplete, I'm imperiled, for I may be stepped on by feet
16An Image of a kingA ruler's scepter would go well in my grip; my corners ought be marked by 'K' and a pip
17 Note carved into the treeCarved with a knife, I'm a musical measure; one that birds in the trees might sing at their leisure
18 A CamelBecause I have humps to keep water on hand, I do well in the heat, as I trek across sand
19 Glowing eyes in a wallBehind the stacked stones, we're twins set aglow; 2 luminous orbs watching what lies below
20 A DiamondI hide in a club, with a spade just above; In a deck, my hue's shared with a symbol of love

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