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25 Oct 2008

Underground Chambers: stage 7-9-13

Underground chambers: Stage 7, 9, 13


Word Riddles

1 A Typewritter A scribing machine to meet old author's need, I'm an PC's precursor both ribboned and keyed
2 A pair of High Heels I'm a fashionable pair you'd size up as you grow, below calf and knee keeping heel above toe
3 Stack of Books By Dewey's card catalog gathered in herds, we're a pile of knowledge expressed in summed words
4 A hand held Mirror To affirm pristine face you must into me view, the light bouncing back reveals image of you
5 A Painting of the Sun I'm a father's boy with center of 'you', a strainer of eyes in daily view
6 A Pot While the kettle would question my darkness in jest, for warming small portion I'd be suited best
7 A Pug A sit command heeder with dark wrinkled face, at play in the yard would I give a ball chase
8 A set of hand prints I'm a ten digit duo in print not live, a pair of palms in twain high-five
9 A pair of eyeglasses I'm an ornament meeting near-sighted demand, two focusing discs made by melting of sand
10 A Microscope To assure that all cells might be seen by the eye, I'm the crux of a microbiologist's supply
11 A Key If it's entry you seek to the place you reside, you must have me in hand or you're staying outside
12 A Music Book I ensure that each player stays ture to the score; my separate staves maintain sections' rapport
13 A painting of 2 Pyramids My pointed crypts are golden framed, a mummy's home's for what they're famed
14 A pair of Roller skate Between inlines and shoes I'm a paired missing link, a speeder of feet in a derby or rink
15 A Snail A coiling home do I keep on my back; my finish takes hours when raced upon track
16 A Shield I'm a copper block for wielded brand, my place is knight's non-striking hand
17 A pick Axe I'm miner owned with two point head; It's ore I chip from rocky bed
18 A Chichuahua I'm a miniscule mutt of a Mexican breed, no more than a foot will my height e'er exceed
19 A Pair of hearts I'm a visual emblem of lovers in lot. pierced by the point of what Cupid has shot
20 A Crowbar An extractor of nails to make wooden lids free, I'm quick fix for burglars in need of a key
21 A green Bottle At teenager's parties I'm given a spin, a transucent form keeping liquids within
22 A Bellows I'm much like a lung for the feeding of flame, red handles to squeeze with my point given aim
23 An Envelope After sealing by lick you address me by hand, and I'll carry your words to a far away land
24 A Spider I'm a crawler hanging by a strand; it's spun by organ on demand
25 A painting of a Bird I'm traveling southbound when the winter arrives, for food and for warmth so my species survives
26 A Chicken A mystery surrounds my fowl origin you see; no one knows who came first, was it laid egg or me?
27 A Glowing Eye I'm a center of storm that ably sees, my name knows why between the ease
28 An Old Saw A totter on playground 'me's and sees', my splitting edge like jagged Z's
29 A fly swatter I'm readied as buzzer is watched by keen eyes. then snapped to the wall marking housefly's demise
30 A row of 3 stars Our points given total shall number fifteen, three twinkling shapes and blue space in between
31 A Mob Over spilling of milk there's no need for distress, for I'm suited to clean up a moisturized mess
32 A White Snake I've squirming scale and baleful bite; my pigmentation contrasts the color of night
33 A wooden Barrel A container of laughs in a convex wood shape, I share name with the part where shot bullets escape
34 A Tobacco pipe I'm filled by a leafy crop shredded to strip, and frequently puffed betwixt sea captain's lips
35 A battle Axe Unlike my counterpart I require no sheath, I'm a dual-edged chopper in shape of a "T"
36 A Ship in a bottle My contents if larger would sail water deep, but now dwells within diorama I keep
37 A Triangle in a circle My inner shape's where pharaoh's found, three sides and points caught in a round
38 A painting of 2 Moons and a star two orbiters waning we stand in a row, succeeded by what else sets night time aglow
39 A baseball From home to fields without wings do I go, for I'm sent by the bat that repelled me on throw
40 A Diamond I'm valuable charged with the cutting of glass; In setting secured I make rings higer class
41 An Orange Butterfly Before pupa rest I found limit at crawl, but I now flap about hued like sky's fiery ball
42 A horseshoe I'm a curved iron shoe with no need for a lace, a galloper's blacksmith-made reinforced base
43 A glowing fish I 'm a flipping catch with emerald sheen, the central star of sea's cuisine
45 A sword Superbly made for knightly swing, I'm pulled to make an Arthur king
46 A walking Cane A metal container but ending in E, I empower the walker to balance on three
47 An antique Radio at home or in car I would rightly belong; I translate a signal to favorite song
48 A pocket watch I'm made to recharge with my knob given twist, a timer for pocket not strapped onto wrist
49 A candle Lantern Through window escapes my soft flickering light; I keep paraffin and its wick to ignite
50 A green lizard I'm a winter's storm without the 'bee', my flowing blood at low degree
51 A pair of shackles You'll find your hands tied by my dual forged hoops, restricted in distance apart by my loops
52 A baby buggy I'm for traveling baby a comfortable spot, not a drawn but a people-pushed carriage for tot
53 A shovel While I take not a life I make graves in the ground, then fill it back up forming burial mound
54 A stethoscope Round practitioner's collar and ears we reside, for listening to sounds of the body's inside
55 A phone symbol I'll allow for chat's what I'm meant to imply, the sign a communicant's booth is nearby

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