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16 Oct 2008

Roof: Stage 5

The Defining Moment


Word Riddles

1 A Roman numeral XIII'm a three that's been doubled and doubled again; a number that's made of two I's and a ten
2 A TrophyI'm given to winners and not to the rest; a gift to the player who's performed the best
3 A BatWhile many fear darkness, within it I thrive; using sonar, I hunt in the night to survice
4 A Nermaid statueI'm a humanoid form, fit for sub-surface motion; while men live in cities, I dwell in the ocean
5 An Oil canI'm fetched when a once-silent door's hinges creak; it's my singular function to stop metal's squeak
6 A TelescopeYou'll find a glass circle at each of my ends; look into the small one and spot distant friends
7 A Lunch pailI may well provide you a meal in a crumch, for within me ia a quickly accessible lunch
8 An HourglassI track minutes without use of number or hand; my work is accomplished by slow-falling sand
9 A Length of ropeI'm perfectly innocent, left hanging loose, but the quickest of killers when tied in a noose
10 An Artist's palletI'm the locale of oil-paint storage and mixture; a place to load brushes when painting a picture
11A Baskets of potatoesOnce grown, we are pulled from the dirt where we hide, and served as fried strip at a hamburger's side
12 A Pair of dicesWe're consulted inmany board games you may play; you'll move only the number of spaces we say
13 A HarpI'm played by the strumming and plucking of strings, to make music to which angles may sing
14 An Etched bull's eyeToward me, carefully aimed arrows have soared; those striking my center will find they have scored
15 A KeyIf on your way out should you leave me behind, a for - hire locksmith is who you should find
16A Viking helmetI fit best on Norse warriors, mighty and large, or any who want to act out a bull's charge
17 An Open bookI've been opened wide by a strong blowing breeze; my parts now exposed were produced from cut trees
18 A Stone JugI'm held by the likeness of somebody's daughter; a sculpted stone hollow for carrying water
19 A Stone LionWhile I'd feast upon meat where I typically dwel, here I hunt the stone zebra and marble gazelle
20 A SkeletonI've been walles away when I should have been put in the groun; left to rest where ashes and smoke may be found

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