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16 Oct 2008

Patio: Stage 4

Two Opposite Ends


Word Riddles

1 A Full moon My presence at night may inspire some fear; when I have arrived, the werewolves may appear
2 A Castle I'm a fortified dwelling which royalty owns, made by the stacking of thousands of stones
3 2 Crossed swords We're the crossing of killers escaped from their sheaths, battling in blue while surrounded by leaves
4 A Mirror Written on paper and placed before me, a lower case 'q' would appear as a 'p'
5 A Coffee mug Someone's day will be spent feeling much less awake, for my contents and I have been left by mistake
6 A Shooting star Over head in the night, I'm a fast moving find; a cosimc rock leaving a trail behind
7 A Frog I swam as a tadpole and leapt ever since; until smooched by a princess I won't be a prince
8 A Teddy bear I'm a camper's scourge miniaturized to delight, keeping warn at the sides of all children by night
9 A Shovel I'm likely revealer of treasure and bones; a tool every gardener and gravedigger owns
10 A Unicorn I was destined for war from the day I was born, for I best lead the charge with my singular horn
11 A Shoe You might go for a stroll, once I'm matched with my twin; I have only room for a lone foot within
12 A Watering can I'm frequently filled in the absence of rain; a flower's well-being is what I maintain
13 A Broken bone My mending would best be assisted by cast, but I'll not likely heal since my owner has passed
14 A King on a horseback I'm a jockey's reined ride with a royal on back; his sword drawn and raised, we're prepared to attack
15 A Planter decorated with birds uniquely covered by fliers in gold, it;s a system of roots that within me I hold
16 A Cat After chasing a mouse or a bird from its nest, I'm lounging abot for a much needed rest
17 A Buring candle Since the burning day sun has now made its retreat, alone I remain to provide light and heat
18 A Windmill Standing tall with quadruple sails, I capture wind without fail
19 A Catapult I throw stones that fly across entire fields. land and then smash through foe's armor and shields
20 A Skull with 3 eyes sockets If my vision were poor before eternal rest, a trio of monocles may have worked best

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