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18 Oct 2008

Attic: Stage 8

The Moonlight Sonatas


Word Riddles

1 A Crate of DishesWe're less-than-fine China not fit for display; once under food, we are now packed away
2 A PirateI'm a buccaneer born from a paint brush's tip; a blade do I hold with a golden-toothed grip
3 A Flower PotI'm a planter not holding the dying or spilled; two thriving, five-petaled blossoms I'm filled
4 A Crytal ballI'm a mystic's mysterious spherical mate; gaze into me deeply and see your own fate
5 A One Armed DollI'm a curly blonde toy of immeasurable charm, although a bit dusty and short by an arm
6 A crate of old ClothesThat we've fallen from fashion, you'll see at glance; it's clear that we're second-hand dresses and pants
7 A Broken Piggy BankI once held within me a coin saver's stash; I squealed when my pennies were loosed by a smash
8 A Chest marked with a skullI'm an oft-buried box full of gold, stamped with a corpse's crossed arms to scare off the bold
9 A Ship WheelIf I'm missing from a galleon, off course it will veer; any captain without me will be unable to steer
10 A can of CornI come from ears not found on a head; sealed in a cylinder where my name can be read
11A Hand printI was left by one gazing upon the little dipper, touching the glass with her dirty left gripper
12 A Painting of a KingI'm a pigmented picture of a prince now gronw; an occupant, not merely an heir to the throne
13 A SkullI once pondered while sitting atop a man's spine; now my hollow eyes stare while my grinning teeth shine
14 A Box of photosCovered in dust, I'm a cameraman's stash; old faces recorded with a click and a flash
15 A Skeletal ArmI was once packed away, maybe while still alive, for I clawed through the box in hope I'd survive
16An AxeThough his head's on the block, the prisoner's not scared; without me his executioner has come upprepared
17 A Lamp without a ShadeTurned on while uncovered, I'd glow far too bright; I'd be best with a shade made to soften my light
18 A Bear with a bow & arrowThough claws do I have, I've a better attack; a hunter's own weapon for striking him back
19 A Rabbit in a hatIn a once empty stovepipe you'll find me instead, the magical hare on illusionists' heads
20 A Mouse with a piece of CheeseI've the darkest of coats amongst the scurrying pest; by the looks of my meal, I steal from the best

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