Throne Room: Stage 3, 4, 10, 15
no. | Solve | Word Riddles |
1 | A wooden Chair | Leg, seat and back each carved from tree, I'm a solid work of carpentry |
2 | A Houseplant | Care for by keepers with water and light, I've branced toward the ceiling most leafy and bright |
3 | A Harp | By finger and pick when plucked I sing, and play may songs through vibrating string |
4 | A golden Star | Mashed and crafted on the royal throne, I have the likeness of five symmetrical cones |
5 | A Pocketknife | It's various tools that I supply, to cut and twist or tweeze and pry |
6 | A Pair of Glasses | If finding your eyes give you vision untrue, they'll greatly improve through my spectacled view |
7 | An image of Dragon | Sewn in red and gazing, I lie in wait for armored knight |
8 | A blue-hilted Sword | Hanging crossed since days of old, I've a hilt of blue on steel cold |
9 | the Moon | In older days thought made of cheese, I sub for sun in nighttime breeze |
10 | A Triangular Carving | I amount to 180 degrees when drawn with great care, yet I hide in the circle while consuming the square |
11 | A Whip | When driving the cattle through deep wooded track, I'll snap at their hides with a sharp corded crack |
12 | An Antique Candelabra | A Candle's flickering light I bare, on metal arms to light dark air |
13 | An Alarm clock | My Turning gears shift ticking arms, which once in place shall sound alarms |
14 | A Ceremonial Sword | I'm a weapon in windowsill resting astray, my cold hammered steel left shimmering in day |
15 | A green Grasshopper | By a fluttering leap do I bound place to place, with twitching antenna and leafy hued case |
16 | A Painting of a wave | I'm an ocean's ripple with mcuh greater reach, a fast mighty tide made for washing the beach |
17 | An hourglass | I made reset when flipped by hand, a curvy glass encasing sand |
18 | A Trojan Helmet | While Trojans were fighting to settle their score, I covered each on of their heads in the war |
19 | An Ornate shield | My once defending face complex, I've found new place in covering X |
20 | A Duck | A fraudulent doctor's the sound I make, in search of home near pond or lake |
21 | A Creeping Snake | When writhing 'bout in scaled dress, my body twists in forms of S |
22 | A Wood burning Stove | By soft fiery glow I'm dispelling the gloom, for I house brightening flames as I warm up the room |
23 | A Seagull | Through windowed view and out of reach, I'm soon to swoop on nearby beach |
24 | A Geisha doll | A Japanese lady in ornament dress, I'm an elegant servant with height measuring less |
25 | A Royal Scepter | A fancy stick to ornament hand, I'm held by he who rules the land |
26 | A Blue Parakeet | Perched upon crimson you'll find me up high, my dark jaws for cracking and plumage like sky |
27 | A Bellows | It's puffed air feat that I perform, to boost the flames of fire warm |
28 | A Cuckoo clock | Upon the hour I may be hear, through door exposing chirping bird |
29 | A Dachshund | I'm brown like trunk with bark like trees, yet leaves I've not but maybe fleas |
30 | A Gasoline can | I'm powerful liquid for fueling a blast; when I'm absent from tank, road travel won't last |
31 | A wooden stepladder | Unstable when tall my legs unfold, a pyramid with rungs to hold |
32 | A wooden Bench | A point of rest for weary, I've place for 2 on splintered seat |
33 | An antique Globe | When worldly location you must contemplate, consult my outside to find country or state |
34 | A Pirate statue | The man in this portrait having found his career, has sailed the seas as a feared buccaneer |
35 | An Egyptian's ark | Beneath my lid you'll find much room, for housing goods in pharaoh's tomb |
36 | A Taxidermied head | Antlers with points far too many to count, shall you find on this old disembodied head mount |
37 | A Trap door | When enemies are giving chase, escape through me to flee this place |
38 | A Water bag | When filled at the river, my pounch of hide, I'll carry a thirst quenching power inside |
39 | A hanging noose | I'm end to prisoner with no hope, a wicked loop on choking rope |
40 | An Abacus | By shifting rows of sliding bead, to proper sum I'll surely lead |
41 | A pair of cat statue | We're watching you with stony stare, two feline forms in perfect pair |
42 | A royal crown | My jewels adorn a royal head, worn not for warmth but show instead |
43 | A pair of scissors | Place 2 fingers through my rings, then push and pull for cutting things |
44 | An ancient clay pot | From unearthed clay 'neath dirt and land, I'm glazed and fired and formed by hand |
45 | A lone palm tree | Through windowed view I've been perceived, a shading flora tall and leaved |
46 | A marble bust | I'm lady's top with marble gaze, a face unchanged through nights and days |
47 | An Ivory Elephant | I'm an image of an animal from Which I'm carved, an unarmed beast oft poached or starved |
48 | The Thinker Statue | Despite rocky makeup I've thoughts in my head, without brain implied by my deep pose instead |
49 | A flying crane | I hunt and swoop on airborne trek, a flapping beast with crooked neck |
50 | The Princess throne | A place to rest for princess sweet, you'll find upon this violet seat |
51 | A mayan warrior | My knees are bent and my eyes are wide, I'm ready to strike when danger comes to my side |
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